Yoga on deck

Fun at the helm

Hiking and Yoga

Watching the wildlife in a sheltered anchorage

Meeting the sheep

Kayaking the shores of Eigg

Tree pose in heather

Top of the mountain

We were up there!

Emma Burgess

Mindful Sail and Wild Yoga Retreat 

Selkie Explorers is teaming up with Wild Rock Yoga to bring you four unique yoga and sailing adventures.  Celia Bull and Emma Burgess: two female skippers, both yoga teachers and crofters, one from Eigg and one from Mull, will take you on this mindful wellness experience that interweaves sailing, mountains, wilderness, yoga and crofting.  We invite you to step out of your busy lives and discover your connections to nature, the sea, islands, wildlife and community here in the Hebrides.

Our journey together will start in the Highland fishing port of Mallaig where you will board Selkie.  This expedition yacht will be our home for most of our time together.  You will develop your sailing skills and understanding of weather and conditions which will be our key considerations when we anchor each night, choosing from among the plethora of sheltered bays in and around the Small Isles and Hebrides.  We will be taking our time to absorb the atmosphere and environment, realising opportunities to immerse in the sounds, in the  waters of sea and lochs, climb hills, practice yoga and meditation aboard and onshore, enjoy paddle boards and inflatable kayak in a safe and supportive environment. You will have the opportunity to journal your experience and to nurture connections within and without.  Become connected to the rhythms of nature, of dawn and dusk, of stars and moon. Our sailing retreat leads us ultimately to Eigg, Selkie’s home port for our final night.

These trips are a time for reflection as well as exploration and are full of laughter and friendship. Celia has been developing wellness and yoga voyages for seven years now and each  experience is unique and enriching  both physically and emotionally.

Our aim for this sailing retreat is to emphasis mindfulness and wellbeing. We endeavour to guide you along your path, experience nature’s rhythms, inspiring your knowledge and connections to the boat, the sea, the land and yourself: exploring balance and restoration and growth within the mix of sailing, walking, yoga and meditation practice and the adventures that we share along the way.

Yoga Sail Dates for 2025

Trip Name Start Date End Date
25-Yoga1   Available Saturday 10 May Friday 16 May
25-Yoga2   Available Saturday 7 June Friday 13 June
25-Yoga3   Available Saturday 5 July Friday 11 July
25-Yoga4   Available Saturday 9 August Friday 15 August

For bespoke dates for the whole boat or for more details on the scheduled trips and to book your place please go to our How to book page, email Celia at or get in touch with Selkie Explorers using the methods listed on our Contact page.

Celia Bull has been sailing for over 25 years, running Selkie Explorers since 2015 in Scotland.  She is a qualified 200 hour yoga teacher and Mountain Leader.  Read more about her story on Our Crew page.

Emma Burgess is the Chief Skipper for Silurian, the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust survey vessel.  Emma started up Wild Rock Yoga in 2023, running winter yoga retreats based on her wind swept rocky home croft on the Isle of Mull.  She offers a diverse holistic, challenging and fun perspective on yoga inspired by years working on the sea and being surrounded by nature.  Growing up on a croft also gave her a passion for creating delicious nourishing food.  She is a qualified 300hr advanced yoga teacher.

Price for 6 night Mindful Sail and Wild Yoga Retreat

Secure your voyage by booking before the end of December to take advantage of 2024 pricing


Bunk Type Price
Double Bunk (Aft) (2 people sharing/single occupancy) £2880/£1980
Double Bunk (Forward) £2880/£1980
Single Bunk (Aft) £1800
Single Bunk (Lower) £1620

Ready to book? Head to our how to book page where you will find details and an online booking form.  Yous can also email Celia at or please get in touch with Selkie Explorers using the methods listed on our Contact page.

Discounts available for groups booking the entire boat.

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